by | Sep 12, 2024 | Regional Updates


This long-awaited event will take place on Sunday, October 27!  This year, we’ll be in the beautiful Quebec City region, at Le Relais ski resort, to present our plans for the coming season.  We’ll also be taking the opportunity to train outdoors, to stretch our legs and get in shape for our first turns.  The Annual General Meeting will also be held on this day.  The detailed schedule will be available shortly on our social networks, and you’ll also receive an invitation by e-mail.  Stay tuned! We look forward to seeing you there and introducing you to your CSIA Quebec Board of Directors! Great door prizes will be drawn after the AGM!

Online Conferences in October

It’s going to be a busy autumn for Quebec members.  We’re offering a series of online conferences to kick off the 2024-2025 season!  These conferences will be offered to members on Wednesday evenings in October.  To find out more and register for free, follow us on Facebook.

« Jouer sur la neige » Program

CSIA Quebec is back in full force with the Jouer sur la neige, ça s’apprend, ça s’enseigne program! Since the end of last season, we’ve been hard at work defining the objectives and content of this program, which is offered to ski instructors through their ski schools. Feel free to contact your ski school to find out more about our visits to your region this season!

We look forward to seeing you at the 2024 Skiposium at Le Relais on October 27, and on the slopes soon!