by | Dec 12, 2024 | Regional Updates

CONGRATULATIONS to the Ontario CSIA Scholarship Recipients for the 2024-2025 season!   

Although difficult decisions had to be made by the scholarship selection committee, we are delighted to report that funding (through course promo codes) has been awarded to 43 members in Ontario.  This year, we chose to have a tiered approach to the Ontario CSIA Scholarship program; those seeking L2 support received $500, L3 – $750; and L4 – $1,000. Twenty-three individuals received support for the L2 pathway, thirteen for the L3 pathway and seven for the L4 pathways.

We wish to thank all 81 members who applied, the scholarship committee and the National CSIA team who helped activate the scholarships.

A reminder to all:  Talk to your Snow School Director as they may have their own scholarship program and don’t forget that there is an opportunity through the National Program at snowpro.com.

Now snow has been falling in regions of Ontario – our ski instructing season is imminently upon us!