The selection process to determine the team that will represent Canada at Interski 2027 in Vail, Colorado continued this past month with candidates gathering at Mont Orford in Quebec and Sun Peaks Resort in British Columbia.
53 candidates participated in the selection events and were judged on their demonstration skiing skills. Each skier was marked on 5 runs over 2 days including short turns, expert parallel, bumps, demonstration parallel and team skiing. 14 skiers from the East and 14 skiers from the West were selected to move forward to the final step in the process. Selection #3 will see the candidates posted in the list below submit a short video discussing and demonstrating CSIA’s teaching methodology or skiing technique. The team will be announced at the end of April and will consist of 14 skiers (12 demonstrators and 2 alternates). Stay tuned!
Simon Blouin
Casey Bouius
Dominic Éthier
Philippe-Antoine Gervais
Pier-Luc Grenier
Frédérik Lépine
Julien Marchand
Samuel Miron
Mark Young
Steve Young
Catherine Gagné
Alison Hunter
Mélanie Ouellet
Julie Sauvageau
Kristian Armstrong
Guy Dale
Simon Gagnon
Philippe Joncas
Samuel Lancaster
Conor McKeown
Roland Searle
Steffan Shaw
Nicolas Tavchandjian
Robert Williams
Jonathan Lepage
Lucia Glasse-Davies
Karlyn Renwick
Chloe Sigouin